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user function中文是什么意思

用"user function"造句"user function"怎么读"user function" in a sentence


  • 用户功能


  • Creating a user function library
  • The database user against whose session the event occurred using the current user function
    其会话上发生事件的数据库用户(使用current _ user函数) 。
  • Function return type recovery includes two types , one is library function return type ; the other is user function return type
  • The optimum link - and - inquiry method of multi - user function in the cutter standard graphic database is also discussed and studied in this paper
  • In the following section , we analyze the functions of the distance education system . talk over the system function module and user function module
  • A description of the eventual users of the solution in terms of geography , organizational and communication structures , user functions , resource availability , and other relevant information
  • Additionally , a call trace can identify the maximum call depth of user functions , which you can then use to efficiently bind the memory that the call stack uses an important consideration in embedded systems
    另外,调用跟踪还可以判断用户函数的最大调用深度,这可以用来对调用栈使用的内存进行有效限制(在嵌入式系统中,这是非常重要的一个考虑因素) 。
  • In this dissertation , i provide the new utility function based on the number of users and deduce the individual / market desire function of software , which is also called the individual / market users function of price . they are definitely distinguished with the individual / market price function of demand
用"user function"造句  
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